COVID-19 Resources

NPIAP COVID-19 Related Resources for Pressure Injury Prevention

NPIAP Panel Members have provided these resources as a convenience to website visitors and for informational purposes only. Once you click on these links, you will be leaving the NPIAP site and going to a third party site. NPIAP makes no assurances to the accuracy of the content present on external websites.

Letter from NPIAP President

1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) causes pressure injuries. 

  • NPIAP position paper on preventing injury with N95 masks. This position paper is unique in that it combines current evidence in both pressure injury prevention and PPE science as a basis for recommendations within the context of the COVID-19 crisis. Link Here
  • NPIAP Protecting Facial Skin Under PPE N95 Face Masks info-graphic. Link Here
  • Prevention of skin lesions caused by Personal Protective EquipmentLink here(The Portuguese Wound Management Association) 
  • N95 mask. Please refer to these CDC links for additional information on N95 mask respirators. Link here.
  • COVID-19 and Pressure Ulcer Prevention Forum Link here.(European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel)
  • The NIH 3D Print Exchange are posting designs for various COVID-related devices.   Link here

2. COVID-19 Pressure Injury Prevention – PIP Tips for Prone Positioning. Link here.

3. COVID-19 treatment with CPAP and BiPAP. Please review the following resources:

  • FREE MDRPI Prevention Posters. Link here.
  • 2019 International Guideline recommendations on positioning strategies and use of prophylactic dressings to prevent sacral pressure injuries. Link here.

4. Skin Manifestations with COVID-19 Link here.

  • This White Paper is now available in published form in the following languages: Chinese, Spanish, French and Portuguese on the member's only section of the WCET Website. Link here. 

5.  Unavoidable Pressure Injury during COVID-19 Pandemic. Link here.

6. Covid-19 Nutritional Support.

7. Nutrition and Immunity Podcast series. Link Here

  • A review of the SCCM/Aspen COVID-19 Recommendations
  • Nutrition support of the COVID-19 ICU Patient
  • Nutritional needs of COVID-19 patients in-hospital & post-discharge
  • The role of hydration in acute inflammatory process & recovery
  • Impact of pandemics on older adults

8. COVID-19 Re-entry Guidance for Health Care Facilities and Medical Device Representatives. Link Here
